Thursday, October 24, 2024
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1. Episcopal Commission for Liturgy and Prayer (EC-LP) [1966]
(Previous name: Bangladesh Liturgical Commission)

Chairman : Most Rev. Gervas Rozario, D.D.
Secretary : Rev. Fr. Peter Chanel Gomes

Aims and Objective
(a) To give guidance to the liturgical life of the Church in Bangladesh; (b) To provide liturgical texts; (c) To assist with liturgical music; (d) To indigenise celebrations by using local signs and symbols and indigenous prayer form, keeping in mind the spiritual aspirations of the people; and (e) To help promote active participation of the faithful in the liturgy.

2. Episcopal Commission for Catechetics
and Biblical Apostolate (EC-CBA) [1970]

Chairman : Most Rev. James Romen Boiragi, D.D
Secretary : Fr. Melecio Cuevas sx
Address : National Social Catechetical Training Centre
Hazarat Borhan Shah Road, Jessore-7400

Aims and Objective
(a) To guide, regulate, and promote all catechetical and Biblical Apostolate matters in Bangladesh; (b) To assist in the preparation and diffusion of catechetical and biblical materials in the local languages; and (c) To assist in the formation of catechists and teachers of Christian religion.

2.a. Biblical Apostolate [1988]
Responsible : Fr. Manuel Hembrom

3. Episcopal Commission for Family Life (EC-FL) [1973]
(Previous name: Christian Family Welfare Commission)

Chairman : Most Rev. Shorot Francis Gomes, D.D.
Secretary :
Publication : Poribar Jiban Kotha

Aims and Objective
(a) To promote the welfare of the Christian family as a whole in Bangladesh through proper guidance and animation; (b) To safeguard Christian families against errors and abuses and to uphold the Christian doctrine of marriage and family life; and (c) To prepare Christian families as evangelizers to fellow Christian families and for others.

4. Episcopal Commission for Health Care (EC-HC) [2003]
Chairman : Most Ponen Paul Kubi, CSC, D.D.
Secretary : Lily A. Gomes

Aims and Objective
(a) To indicate policies for Health Care ministry of the Church; (b) To proclaim the Gospel of love and mercy of Jesus in serving the sick; (c) To spread, explain and defend Church's teachings on health issues; and (d) To assist in the Christian and professional formation of Christian health workers: doctors, nurses and others.

5. Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace (EC-JP) [1974]
(Previous name: Justice and Peace Commission)

Chairman : Most Rev. Gervas Rozario, D.D.
Secretary : Fr. Liton H. Gomes, CSC
Publication : Newsletter: “Nyajyata’’

Aims and Objective
(a) To delineate clearly the main injustices in the country and to ascertain their causes; (b) To suggest remedies to the Bishops' Conference and to the Church for correcting these injustices; (c) To create awareness of social issues, Christian solutions and the need for unified planning among the clergy, religious and laity; (d) To register grievances, a judged prudent, to relevant authorities over obvious injustices; and (e) To suggest ways to aid victims of injustice and oppression.

5.a. Desk for Migrants and Itinerant People [2010]
Desk Head : Mr. Jyoti Gomes
Mobile : 01713384009
Email :

5.b. Child Protection Desk:
Desk Head : Ms. Anita Margaret Gomes
Mobile : 01713384003
Email :

5.c. Climate Change Desk:
Desk Head : Ms. Angelina Daina Podder
Mobile : 01764256812
Email :

5.d. Prison Ministry Desk:
Desk Head : Rev. Fr. Liton H. Gomes, CSC

6. Episcopal Commission for Christian Unity and
Inter-Religious Dialogue (EC-CUIRD) [1974]
(Previous name: Commission for Ecumenism and
Inter-Religious Dialogue)

Chairman : Most Rev. Lawrence S. Howlader, CSC, D.D
Archishop of Chattagram
Secretary : Rev. Fr. Patrick Gomes
Publication : "Oikyotan" (tri-monthly)

Aims and Objective
(a) To promote better understanding between members of different religions; (b) To study and understand the spiritual values of other religions; (c) To share our values with others; and (d) To publish useful literature leading to mutual understanding quoted from the Constitutions.

7. Episcopal Commission for Social Communications (EC-SC) [1974]
Chairman : Most Rev. James Romen Boiragi, D. D.
Secretary : Rev. Fr. Bulbul Augustine Reberio

Aims and Objective
(a) To present and promote the good news of Christ and Churches' social teachings through the social communications media; (b) To stimulate, develop and awaken the spiritual, social, civic and economic consciousness and conditions of common man, esp. the Christians (Catholics) through these media; and (c) To inspire and train Church personnel to use the Social Communication Media.

8. Episcopal Commission for Theological Concerns (2019)
Chairman : Most Rev. Gervas Rozario, DD
Secretary : Most Rev. Emmanuel Rozario

Aim and objectives:
(a) To explain the faith and help the local Church to confront new challenges; (b) To help to understand how to do theology: Methodology and ABCD of doing Theology. To provide and facilitate doctrinal and moral formation and training for doing theology in Bangladesh; (c) To assist the local Church to promote and develop theological reflection and research in the context of Bangladesh; (d) To identify the Theological issues and concerns with reference to the Universal and Asian Church and provide reflection on them; and (e) To keep a good rapport with the Doctrinal Commission of CBCB, keep relationship with the theologians of Universities and Seminaries and experts in the ecclesiastical disciplines.

9. Episcopal Commission for Doctrinal Matters (2019)
Chairman : Most Rev. Bejoy N. D’Cruze, OMI, D.D.

B. Episcopal Commissions Related to Persons

10. Episcopal Commission for Youth (EC-Y) [1998]
(1966 as 'Jubo Shebadol')
(Previous name: CBCB Commission for Youth)
Chairman : Most Rev. Subrato L. Howlader, CSC, D.D.
Secretary : Fr. Bikash James Rebeiro, CSC
Publication : Jubo Dristi, Nobo Kollol

Aims and Objective
(a) To promote the Christian faith among the youth and make them conscious of the present social, economic and political structures; (b) To build the youth as responsible citizens and encourage them to play important roles in the work of the Church and to create brotherly relationship among them; (e) To help the youth be free from the slavery of consumerism, materialism, capitalism and build a new society of brotherhood through non-violent principles.

11. Episcopal Commission for the Laity (EP-LC) [2003]
Chairman : Most Rev. Shorot Francis Gomes, D.D.
Secretary : Theophil Nisharon Nokrek

Aims and Objective
(a) To promote and coordinate the apostolate of the laity esp. in matters respecting the Christian life of the lay people; (b) To urge and support lay people to participate in the life and mission of the Church in their own way, as individuals or in associations, especially so that they may carry out their special responsibility of filling the realm of the temporal things with the spirit of the Gospel; and (c) To foster joint action among lay people for catechetical instruction, in liturgical and sacramental life as well as in works of mercy, charity and social developments.

11.a. Christian Communities Program (CCP) [1976]
Director : Rev. Fr. Stanislaus Gomes
Secretary : Sr. Anna Maria, SMRA

Aims and Objective:
(a) To generate or further stimulate the desire to live according to God's word and Gospel values; (b) To make the parish a focal point for integral Christian development; (c) To form basic Christian Communities in which members share prayers and Gospel reflections together seeking to apply the fruits to their own lives and working toward social justice in their own society; and (d) To show possibilities of group decision-making and forming of the action plans at the initiative of the members themselves.

11.b. Women Desk
Convener : Ms. Rita Roselin Costa
Secretary :

11 c. Desk for Associations and Lay Organizations (DALO)
Convener : Ms. Rebeca Quiah
Secretary :

12. Episcopal Commission for Seminary (EC-S) [1974]
(Previous name: Episcopal Seminary Commission)

Chairman : Most Rev. Emmanuel Rozario, D.D.

Secretary : Rev. Fr. Paul Gomes

Aims and Objective
(a) To assist those who are responsible for the formation of seminarians to realize the formation of ideal priests according to the needs of this country; (b) To see to the authentic academic and intellectual and spiritual formation of seminarians and priests in seminaries, esp. at the Major Seminary; and (c) To make consolidated effort of helping each member of the commission toward achieving the above goal.

13. Episcopal Commission for Clergy and Religious (EC-CR) [2003]

Chairman : Most Rev. Sebastian Tudu, D.D.
Secretary : Rev. Fr. Anol Terence Costa, CSC

Aims and Objective
(a) To assist in making policies and programs for priests and religious, esp. as regards on-going formation of their life and ministry; (b) To foster vocations for priestly and religious life; and (c) To assist in the formation of formators for Priests and Religious.

C. Episcopal Commissions Related to Organization
14. Bangladesh Catholic Education Board Trust (BCEBT) [1986]
(Previous name: EC - Christian Education)

Chairman : Most Rev. Bejoy N. D’Cruze, OMI, D.D.
Secretary : Jyoti F. Gomes

Aims and Objective
(a) To participate meaningfully in the over-all task of the nation for education of the young; (b) To assist to make, review and re-formulate education policies for educational institutions of the Church as needed; and (c) To assist in the on-going formation of teachers to see their profession as a vocation of life.

15. Episcopal Commission for Evangelization and
Promotion of PMS [1972]

Chairman : Most Rev. Sebastian Tudu, D.D.
National Director
& Secretary : Rev. Fr. Peter Chanel Gomes

Aims and Objective
The primary and principal aim of the Commission is to promote a spirit of mission in the People of God, namely to stimulate and deepen missionary awareness in the Church, to provide missionary formation to the People of God, to encourage missionary cooperation and solidarity in the work of evangelization.

16. Caritas Bangladesh (1976)
(Previously known as CORR 1971)



1. The Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS)
National Director : Rev. Fr. Rodon Hadima
Address : CBCB Center
24/C Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Tel. : (0088 02) 9127339
Mobile : (00 88) 01794768654
E-mail :
Publication : ‘Shantir Barta’ (tri-monthly)

Director : Rev. Fr. Jyoti Francis Costa
Address : CBCB Centre
24/C Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Tel. : (00 88 02) 9127339
Mobile : (00 88 02) 01715327029
E-mail :
Website :

Director : Rev. Fr. Bulbul Augustine Rebeiro
Address : 61/1 Subhash Bose Avenue
Luxmibazar, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh
Tel. : (00 88 02) 47113885, 7119254
Mobile : (00 88) 01701789248
E-mail :

Affiliated Sections
(a) “Protibeshi” (The National Catholic Weekly)
Editor: Fr. Bulbul Augustine Rebeiro
(b) Protibeshi Prokashani (Religious books Publication Section)
(c) Jerry Printing Press (Multi-purpose Printing Section)
(d) Banideepti (Audio-visual and cultural sections)
(e) Radio Veritas Asia, Philippines, Bengali Service (Short Wave Radio)
(f) Jyoti Communication (Information Desk)
Aims and Objective
(a) To present and promote the good news of Christ and Church’s social teachings through the social communications media; (b) To stimulate, develop and awaken the spiritual, social, civic, and economic consciousness and conditions of common man, esp. the Christians (Catholics) through these media, and (c) To inspire and train Church personnel to use Social Communications Media. As a member of World SIGNIS to cooperate directly.

Director : Rev. Fr. Lawrence Valoti, SX
Address : Hazarat Borhan Shah Road
Jessore-7400, Bangladesh
Tel. : (00 88 0421) 68908
Mobile : (00 88) 01711572908
E-mail :
Web-site :
Publication : “Mongolbarta” (Tri-monthly)

Aims and Objective
(a) Basic formation and on-going formation of the laity; (b) Animation of Biblical and Catechetical Ministry; and (c) Formation of Lay and Religion teachers.

5. Bangladesh Diocesan Priests' Fraternity (BDPF) [1985]
President : Rev. Fr. Joyanto S. Gomes
Vice President : Rev. Fr. Jacob S. Biswas
Secretary : Rev. Fr. Shishir N. Gregory
Address : Holy Spirit Major Seminary
Block A 112, Road - 27
Banani, Dhaka - 1213
Mobile : (00 88) 01751607749
E-mail :

(BCCR) [1987]
(Related to Episcopal Commission for Liturgy and Prayer)
Chairman : Rev. Fr. Stanely C. Costa
Secretary : Ms. Dora D'Rozario
Address : Villa Maria & Bethay Ashrom
C/O Green Herald Int. School
24, Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur,
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Tel. : (0088 02) 8121395
Mobile : (00 88) 0171-5840983
E-mail :

7. BCR Centre (1978)
Address : Adhatya Sadhanalaya
Rajashon, P. O. Savar, Dist. Dhaka-1340
Mobile: (0088 02) 01625-094459
Directress : Sister Francisca Marandy, CIC

Secretary & Program
Coordinator : Sister Adline Peris, CIC
E-mail :

8. Community Health and Natural Family Planning (CH-NFP) [1976]
(Related to Episcopal Commission for Family Life)
Manager : Dr. Edward Pallab Rozario
Address : 1/C/1/E, Pallabi, Mirpur
Section-11, Dhaka-1221, Bangladesh.
Tel. : (00 88 02) 8013217
Mobile : (00 88) 01730082241
E-mail :

Aims and Objective
(a) To build happy families among the people of Bangladesh, irrespective of caste or creed by motivating them through Natural way (Ovulation Method); (b) To play a vital role co-operating with the Government's effort to limit the population growth in Bangladesh; and (c) To provide education in responsible parenthood to pre-marriage and married couples through talks and seminars in High Schools, College and various existing groups in the community, as well as on a one to one basis.

9. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Bangladesh
(Related to Episcopal Commission for Family Life)
Ecclesial Team : Rev. Fr. Bappy N. Cruze
Mr. & Mrs. Robi & Rubi Dores
Address : CBCB Centre
24/C Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Tel. : (0088 02) 9127339
Mobile : (00 88) 01677238545
E-mail :

Aims and Objective
(a) To help married couples to live happily as Christians, through 'Marriage Encounter' adapted session; (b) To prepare young couples for marriage; (c) To give counseling to individuals and couples facing problems in their marital life; (d) To organize child psychology group discussion for mothers; and (e) To give life education and sex education to high school and college students.

10. Catholic Nurses Guild [1976]
(Related to Episcopal Commission for Health Care)
Address : CBCB Centre
24/C Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Tel. : (0088 02) 9127339
President : Ms. Agnes Halder
Secretary : Ms. Lioni Lipica Rozario

11. Association of Bangladesh Catholic Doctors (ABCD) [2008]
(Related to Episcopal Commission for Health Care)
Address : CBCB Centre
24/C Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh.
Tel. : (0088 02) 9127339
Mobile : (00 88) 01914389590
E-mail :
President : Dr. Noel Gomes
Secretary : Dr. Edward Pallab Rozario

12. Young Christian Students (YCS) [1980]
(Related to Episcopal Commission for Youth)
Chaplain : Fr. Bikash James Rebeiro, CSC
Address : CBCB Centre
24/C Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh.
Office Mobile : 01743452800
Mobile :01780446264
Publication : Nobo Kallol

13. Bangladesh Catholic Students' Movement (BCSM) [1991]
(Affiliated with Episcopal Commission for Youth)
Chaplain : ​Fr. Bikash James Rebeiro, CSC
Mobile :01780446264
E-mail : ​
President : Mr. Swopnil L. Cruze
Address : ​CBCB Centre
24/C Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh.
Mobile : (00 88) 01303324179
E-mail :
Mobile Office : +88 01980234779
Publication : BCSM Barta

Aims and Objective
BCSM is a non-political lay apostolic movement of tertiary level students' of Bangladesh. It came in existence in 1991 to promote Christian values and motivate youngsters to uphold moral values. It is affiliated with International Movement for Catholic Students' (IMCS) and Episcopal Commission for Youth and recognized by the CBCB. It carries out its activities through the seven dioceses of Bangladesh. Its objectives are as follows:
a) To promote Christian values, ideals and to develop personality of tertiary level students, i.e. educational, social and cultural sphere.
b) To develop awareness among the students regarding their responsibilities to the society, Church and the nation.

(Related to Episcopal Commission for Laity)

President : Mrs. Helen Rozario
Secretary : Mrs. Ruby Imelda Khan
Spiritual Director : Rev. Fr. Elias Palma, CSC
Address : 140, Boromoughbazar,
Ramna, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Tel. : (00 88 02) 9357359

Aims and Objective
(a) The sanctification of its members, by prayer and active cooperation, under ecclesiastical guidance, in Mary's and the Church's work of 'crushing the head of the serpent' and advancing the reign of Christ; and (b) The Legion of Mary is at the disposal of Bishop of the Diocese and the Parish Priest for any and every form of Social Service and catholic Action which these authorities may deem suitable for the Legionaries and useful for the welfare of the Church.

President :
Secretary :
Address : CBCB Centre
24/C Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh.
Tel. : (0088 02) 9123108 / 9127339
Mobile :
Aims and Objective
(a) To develop the members' spiritual life and to bear witness to Christ by sharing their fraternal love with those who are suffering, deprived, or in need; (b) To redress situation that cause suffering and poverty; and (c) To serve people irrespective of caste, creed, color, opinion and origin.

16. Catholic Workers Movement
President : Mr. Ethelbert Penheiro
Chaplain :
Address : CBCB Centre
24/C Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh.

17. Teachers' Team
National Responsible : Bro. Subol L. Rozario, CSC
Address : Saint Joseph Province
97, Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Mobile : (00 88) 01993547443
Email :

Address : Adhatya Sadhanalaya
Rajashon, P. O. Savar, Dist. Dhaka-1340
Phone: (0088 02) 7711515
President : Sr. Bondona Cruze, PIME
Secretary : Sister Adline Peris, CIC
Mobile : (00 88) 01726707878
E-mail :

Aims and Objective
(a) To increase contacts between the various Religious Congregations and promote the study of matters and problems of common interest; (b) To Coordinate activities of member groups at a National and Diocesan level, without, however, interfering with the initiative, independence and specific purpose of each Congregation and Society; and (c) To provide the Religious of Bangladesh with better opportunity for renewal and development at every level of their religious life.